Series Summary
An experienced construction manager knows that good teams evolve through a period of time and are relational and professionally based and established. They also know that there is nothing worse than trying to establish a winning team from scratch. A typical team will include employed, sub-contract labour and specialist consultant and operations suppliers. It must be also be noted that all team components must be financially viable and are a part, and must recognise that they area a part, of a profit making concern that succeeds through hard work safely.
To ensure reliability and legal requirements, all sub-contractors must be screened via the Co. procurement procedure which should also include a strict and thorough vetting system. It must be confirmed that they are committed to completing their works to budget, specification and programme in a safe manner. Where possible for sustainability reasons, the site and contractor location should be a consideration, employing where possible local suppliers, but it may also be the case that though necessity and lack of competition and reduced options, resources have to be agreed from further afield. A construction manager normally holds weekly or monthly labour allocation meetings and emails all labour planning decisions to all concerned parties in a timely fashion and as mentioned a manager also ensures that selected resources are suitably qualified and have provision for adequate site management and supervision.
Ideally a manager negotiates and agrees proposals for his team at a planning meeting with the QS and the project manager in attendance. The QS will set budgets and prelims with the project manager, with his or her experience with the site manager will come to the table and review the works program, scheme of works, specialist operation and size of contracts.
The main questions that will be asked is: What are the staffing resources necessary to complete the project, to cost and program safely? A team is then agreed and budgets confirmed.
To prove my point, please review the following typical questions found in the learning outcomes of this Unit:
- Explain methods that can identify significant factors that can affect numbers, types and availability of people or services for typical projects.
- Describe methods that can evaluate and record the quality and potential reliability of people and services.
- Explain typical ways and techniques of circulating results from evaluations of quality and potential reliability to decision makers.
- Explain factors that allow proposals to be made for team membership from selected people or service providers.
- Explain negotiation methods that can be used to get appropriate people or services for given teams.
- Explain how to work within current rules and formalities governing the identification of work teams.
- Give reasons on why they must work within current rules and formalities when identifying work teams.
The Solution. In order to better enable the seasoned professional to complete this Unit, Contribution to the Identification of Work Teams in the Workplace, Rivasure has produced a comprehensive online Audio Podcast Course. This Unit is one of many online courses aimed at covering all of the key units contained within the Level 6 Construction Management NVQ Qualification. This series of Audio Podcast Unit Courses lays a solid foundation for each specific subject matter. Each Audio Podcast addresses each knowledge question, unpacking each one in detail and providing relevant and specific guidance.
In this Unit the learning outcomes are as follows;
- Identify any significant factors which will affect the number, type and availability of people and services.
- Evaluate and record the quality and potential reliability of people or services, and circulate the results to decision makers.
- Negotiate and agree proposals which are likely to produce effective teams.
- Follow rules and formalities for obtaining people and services.
A learning outcome sets out what a candidate can expect to learn and do as a result of their learning. This Audio Podcast mentoring series is excellent resource for NVQ candidates and management learners studying how to contribute to the identification of work teams in the workplace
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Series Summary