How to Develop and Maintain Good Occupational Working Relationships in the Workplace (01)

Our Additional Online Guidance Series has proven to be a boost to candidates to more effectively fast-track them through the qualification. Each course matches a unit in the Edexcel NVQ Level 6 Diploma curriculum in Construction Management and are intended for guidance only.
(The complete series and more, is included free-of-charge to all our NVQ Level 6 Registered candidates)
Series Summary

We all know that it is in the interest of a construction manager to maintain and build good working relationships. A good manager has to do this with all persons who have an interest in his project (stakeholders).  From clients to site labourers, wining the respect, cooperation and the willingness to go the extra mile is essential.

It has to be recognised that at every professional level, there is a unique language and set of values. A good site manager should be the central hub of all site communication and have fluent communication skills, again at every professional level.  A good site manager should also be able to instruct, process, record, give guidance, clarify and resolve differences of opinions using established site communication processes and procedures.

NVQ Additional Guidance
or recommended 'STARTER' UNIT first
The problem for management NVQ candidates is that they ‘DO’ all of the aforementioned, but identifying what part of their knowledge is applicable to each question within their NVQ so that duplication of answers and confusion is avoided is often an issue.

To prove my point, please review the following typical questions found in the first learning aim of this Unit.

  • How do you enhance the trust and support of colleagues?
  • How do you develop and maintain relationships with people that are affected by your work?
  • How do you enhance the trust and support of those whom you report to?
  • How do you provide and promote guidance on values at work?
  • Explain the principles of equality and diversity and how to apply them when working and communicating with others.

The Solution. In order to better enable the seasoned professional to complete this Unit, Developing & Maintaining Good Working Relationships in the Workplace, Rivasure has produced a comprehensive online Audio Podcast Course.  This Unit is one of many online courses aimed at covering all of the key units contained within the Level 6 Construction Management NVQ Qualification. This series of Audio Podcast Unit Courses lays a solid foundation for each specific subject matter. Each Audio Podcast addresses each knowledge question, unpacking each one in detail and providing relevant and specific guidance.

In this Unit the learning outcomes are as follows;

  1. Develop, maintain and encourage working relationships to promote good will and trust.
  2. Inform relevant people about work activities in an appropriate level of detail, with the appropriate level of urgency.
  3. Offer advice and help to relevant people about work activities and encourage questions, requests for clarification and comments.
  4. Clarify proposals with relevant people and discuss alternative suggestions.
  5. Resolve differences of opinion in ways that minimise offence and maintain goodwill, trust and respect

A learning outcome sets out what a candidate can expect to learn and do as a result of their learning.  This Audio Podcast mentoring series is excellent resource for NVQ candidates and management learners studying how to Develop & Maintain Good Working Relationships.

NVQ Additional Guidance
or recommended 'STARTER' UNIT first

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Our Additional Online Guidance Series has proven to be a boost to candidates to more effectively fast-track them through the qualification. Each course matches a unit in the Edexcel NVQ Level 6 Diploma curriculum in Construction Management and are intended for guidance only.
(The complete series and more, is included free-of-charge to all our NVQ Level 6 Registered candidates)
Series Summary