Series Summary
In the 70’s, 80,s and 90’s the construction industry in the UK went through a health and safety revolution. A similar size change is upon us now and will only increase which is a drive for safer environmental and sustainability practices and procedures.
With environmental awareness we are immediately talking about pollution. So when considering a construction site, what can be polluted? The air can be polluted with dust, chemicals, and noise. Land can be polluted with toxic substances and waste and water waste. Water courses can also be polluted in a similar way.
A good construction manager working within current legislation will bring these considerations into toolbox talks, Site inductions, RAMS and COSHH assessment briefings and will monitor the works on site to ensure compliance.
Sustainability is the second subject matter of this unit. I believe this is the biggest question in construction which affects all aspects of construction at all stages of construction. The issue is that there is not enough natural resources world wide to sustain the construction industry as it practices today. A construction manager and his company now have an obligation to reduce the carbon footprint of their activities and this is accomplished by monitoring and reducing where ever possible, the resources required for how they build and for the life span of what they build.
- Explain how, and what types, of project data should be examined to identify the needs of environmental management.
- Explain methods and techniques of examining project data in order to identify and establish methods of work that will support sustainability.
- Give reasons why the needs of environmental management and sustainable work methods need identifying.
- Explain how a culture of environmental awareness and support for sustainability in the workforce can be encouraged.
- Give reasons why a culture of environmental awareness and support for sustainability in the workforce should be encouraged.
- Explain how and why duties for environmental management and monitoring sustainable work methods should be delegated.
- Explain ways of assessing the significance of environmental factors as they affect projects and describe what actions ought to be taken.
- Define the term sustainability and list the factors that make up sustainability requirements.
- Explain ways and techniques of monitoring project work against sustainability requirements and how to take appropriate action to ensure progress.
- Describe ways of recording good practice in environmental management and sustainable work methods.
- Explain methods and techniques of making recommendations of good practice to the people responsible.
The Solution. In order to better enable the seasoned professional to complete this Unit, Establishing, Controlling and Monitoring Environmental Factors and Sustainability in the Workplace, Rivasure has produced a comprehensive online Audio Podcast Course. This Unit is one of many online courses aimed at covering all of the key units contained within the Level 6 Construction Management NVQ Qualification. This series of Audio Podcast Unit Courses lays a solid foundation for each specific subject matter. Each Audio Podcast addresses each knowledge question, unpacking each one in detail and providing relevant and specific guidance.
A separate and individual audio Podcast has also been prepared for each knowledge question which unpacks the question and gives guidance and knowledge on how to address the question.
In this Unit the learning outcomes are as follows;
- Identify the environmental management considerations and establish methods of work that will support sustainability by examining project data
- Encourage a culture of environmental awareness and support for sustainability in the workforce
- Delegate duties for environmental management and monitoring sustainable work methods
- Assess the significance of environmental factors as they affect the project and take appropriate action
- Monitor project work against sustainability requirements and take appropriate action to ensure progress
- Record good practice in environmental management and sustainable methods of work and make recommendations to people responsible
A learning outcome sets out what a candidate can expect to learn and do as a result of their learning. This Audio Podcast mentoring series is excellent resource for NVQ candidates and management learners studying how to establish, control and monitor environmental factors and sustainability in the workplace.
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Series Summary