How to Evaluate Feedback Information and Recommend Improvements in the Workplace (19)

Our Additional Online Guidance Series has proven to be a boost to candidates to more effectively fast-track them through the qualification. Each course matches a unit in the Edexcel NVQ Level 6 Diploma curriculum in Construction Management and are intended for guidance only.
(The complete series and more, is included free-of-charge to all our NVQ Level 6 Registered candidates)
Series Summary

Feedback is a new buzz topic.  In the construction industry receiving and evaluating feedback information and from the lessons learned, recommending improvements is now recognised to be of great value.  No longer is information and advice and guidance only filtered from the top to the trades, but as mentioned, it is now recognised that there is great value in listening to the man on the ground because they are the experts in their fields and their voice needs to be heard.  Receiving that information and passing it up through the management system so that the information and advice can be evaluated and where appropriate, taken on board and adopted for use as new company practice and procedure, is now being adopted by forward thinking companies.

This unit is all about obtaining feedback information from operational activities, investigating evaluating that information and recommending improvements to be adopted as company practice and procedure. So, whom as a site manager does one get feedback from? The answer to this question is simply everybody. A good construction site manager will wish to be seen as someone who can be approachable and can receive information, because whether it is a security guard, a brick layer’s labourer, a fork lift driver or trade, they all have professional expertise and opinions.  It is now recognised that in their own world, they are the experts at that task on the ground at that time and what they know is of great value.  A construction manager informed in this fashion is a better manager as he or she is then able to make better informed decisions.

NVQ Additional Guidance
or recommended 'STARTER' UNIT first
The problem for management NVQ candidates is that they ‘DO’ all of the aforementioned, but identifying what part of their knowledge is applicable to each question within their NVQ so that duplication of answers and confusion is avoided is often an issue.  To prove my point, please review the following typical questions found in the learning aims of this Unit: Evaluating Feedback Information and recommending Improvements in the Workplace

  • Explain ways of promoting the value of making improvements from feedback received from information sources.
  • Explain methods that can encourage the collection of feedback from information sources.
  • Give reasons why the collection of feedback from information sources should be encouraged.
  • Explain ways that ensures that feedback from information sources is obtained using various methods and other sources.
  • Explain methods that allows for the investigation and assessing of feedback from information sources using various methods and other sources.
  • Give reasons why feedback from information sources needs to be investigated and assessed.
  • Explain ways that recommendations for improvements can be made from feedback received.
  • Explain how recommendations for improvements from feedback can be justified to decision-makers.
  • Give reasons why recommendations for improvements from feedback should be made and justified to decision-makers.
  • Explain methods that can allow the summary of changes and improvements made from feedback received.
  • Describe how the adoption of changes and improvements from feedback can be promoted.

The Solution. In order to better enable the seasoned professional to complete this Unit, Evaluating Feedback Information and recommending Improvements in the Workplace, Rivasure has produced a comprehensive online Audio Podcast Course.  This Unit is one of many online courses aimed at covering all of the key units contained within the Level 6 Construction Management NVQ Qualification. This series of Audio Podcast Unit Courses lays a solid foundation for each specific subject matter. Each Audio Podcast addresses each knowledge question, unpacking each one in detail and providing relevant and specific guidance.

In this Unit the learning outcomes are as follows;

  1. Promote the value of making improvements from feedback and encourage the collection of feedback.
  2. Ensure feedback information from relevant methods or sources is obtained, investigated and assessed.
  3. Recommend improvements from feedback received and justify the recommendations to relevant people.
  4. Summarise changes and improvements from feedback which have been agreed and promote them for adoption and use.

A learning outcome sets out what a candidate can expect to learn and do as a result of their learning.  This Audio Podcast mentoring series is excellent resource for NVQ candidates and management learners studying how to evaluate feedback information and recommend improvements in the workplace

NVQ Additional Guidance
or recommended 'STARTER' UNIT first

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Our Additional Online Guidance Series has proven to be a boost to candidates to more effectively fast-track them through the qualification. Each course matches a unit in the Edexcel NVQ Level 6 Diploma curriculum in Construction Management and are intended for guidance only.
(The complete series and more, is included free-of-charge to all our NVQ Level 6 Registered candidates)
Series Summary