How to Manage Personal Development in a Construction-related Workplace (08)

Our Additional Online Guidance Series has proven to be a boost to candidates to more effectively fast-track them through the qualification. Each course matches a unit in the Edexcel NVQ Level 6 Diploma curriculum in Construction Management and are intended for guidance only.
(The complete series and more, is included free-of-charge to all our NVQ Level 6 Registered candidates)
Series Summary

Personal development, without exception, is for all construction team members, and is particularly for managers who operate at a professional level, which we all do if we hold the title: Manager.  Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a practice known and appreciated by managers in all other sectors of employment, particularly education, and is now expected of all construction managers and falls within the competence scope as decreed by the British CDM Regulations.

It must also be noted that most persons, to maintain interest in their work, require developmental goals.  These personal developmental goals need to be understood and matched and sourced, if possible, to company development requirements.  If this isn’t implemented, a company is in danger of loosing its greatest resource, their employees.  However, I once new the most proficient finishing foreman I had ever had the privilege to work with.  He had declined promotion to management on many occasions as he recognised in himself that the position he had was one that exercised his abilities to the max., to be promoted would in fact place him in a position of incompetence that is he would be forced to operate at a level above his optimum ability and knowledge. As managers, please make sure you take heed.

As you are aware, when a person passes their driving test and receives their licence to drive, having a licence doesn’t guarantee good driving.  This is why a site manager has the responsibility to ensure that those that are newly trained are able and competent. That is they have the confidence and ability to carry out their newly appointed roles and responsibilities.

So how does a site manager evaluate learning activities undertaken with team members?   They can ask the employee if they feel they are competent & capable. Second, a manager can always approach a course training provider and ask for some feedback. However, one of the best evaluations is to monitor performance in the workplace.

This can be achieved by placing the newly trained with experienced site personnel and by providing added supervision.

NVQ Additional Guidance
or recommended 'STARTER' UNIT first
The problem for management NVQ candidates is that they ‘DO’ all of the aforementioned, but identifying what part of their knowledge is applicable to each question within their NVQ so that duplication of answers and confusion is avoided is often an issue.

To prove my point, please review the following typical questions found in the learning outcomes of this Unit:

  • Explain what are aims and objectives for undertaking development and how personal aims can be defined.
  • Give reasons why personal aims and objectives should be defined.
  • Explain how to contact sources of support and guidance to identify recognised standards.
  • Give reasons why recognised standards for undertaking personal development should be identified.
  • Describe how to analyse current personal levels of knowledge and performance against selected and recognised standards.
  • Explain the factors that determine personal development needs
  • Explain ways that personal development needs can be profiled.
  • Give reasons why a profile of personal development needs should be developed.
  • Describe ways that personal development plans can be prepared.
  • Explain why a personal development plan should be prepared.
  • Explain ways that development activities to achieve personal development needs can be undertaken.
  • Explain the methods that can be used that reviews and records progress and evaluates effectiveness of activities.
  • Explain how achievement of identified personal development needs can be measured.
  • Explain ways that evidence of personal knowledge and competence against identified national standards can be recorded.
  • Explain how the reviewing of the cycle of updating personal aims and objectives can be undertaken.
  • Explain methods that allows for the revision and updating of personal aims and objectives that suit changing circumstances.
  • Give reasons why personal development plans should be reviewed, revised and updated.

The Solution. In order to better enable the seasoned professional to complete this Unit, Managing Personal Development in a Construction Related Workplace, Rivasure has produced a comprehensive online Audio Podcast Course.  This Unit is one of many online courses aimed at covering all of the key units contained within the Level 6 Construction Management NVQ Qualification. This series of Audio Podcast Unit Courses lays a solid foundation for each specific subject matter. Each Audio Podcast addresses each knowledge question, unpacking each one in detail and providing relevant and specific guidance.

In this Unit the learning outcomes are as follows;

  1. Define your personal aims and objectives for undertaking development.
  2. Contact sources of support and guidance to identify recognised standards for you to manage your personal development.
  3. Analyse the current level of your knowledge and performance and develop a profile of your development needs.
  4. Prepare a development plan for achieving identified development needs.
  5. Undertake development activities aimed at achieving identified development needs, reviewing and recording progress and the effectiveness of the activities.
  6. Measure achievement of identified development needs and record evidence of knowledge and competence gained against recognised standards.
  7. Review the cycle of personal development aims and objectives to revise and update aims and objectives to suit changing circumstances.

A learning outcome sets out what a candidate can expect to learn and do as a result of their learning.  This Audio Podcast mentoring series is excellent resource for NVQ candidates and management learners studying how to Manage Personal Development in a Construction Related Workplace.

NVQ Additional Guidance
or recommended 'STARTER' UNIT first

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Our Additional Online Guidance Series has proven to be a boost to candidates to more effectively fast-track them through the qualification. Each course matches a unit in the Edexcel NVQ Level 6 Diploma curriculum in Construction Management and are intended for guidance only.
(The complete series and more, is included free-of-charge to all our NVQ Level 6 Registered candidates)
Series Summary